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MA Annapurna Samaj Seva Sansthan bharatpur Best NGO In Social Work

MA Annapurna Samaj Seva Sansthan bharatpur Best NGO In Social Work
                    "The service is life"


Our aim is to bring permanent happiness, love, goodwill, faith, fearlessness, freedom, religiousness, belief, virtue, education, health, longevity and social, economic, spiritual, mental, intellectual well-being, and social justice, protection, uplift, Mata Annapurna Samaj Sewa Sansthan has been established for the purpose of establishing properties and implementation of various schemes.

Objectives of the Sanasthan -

Establishment of professional training, small scale industry, setting up of home industry and self-help group for making all-round development of women self-reliant.

Open awareness, prevention and support center against injustice of female feticide, rape, domestic violence, violence against women, sexual harassment, women's property rights etc.

The women of the urban and rural areas, girls, women, unmarried, divorced, widowed, poor, helpless, poor women, married women and helped to settle their home.

To help poor, helpless, poor, orphaned, destitute, destitute children, women and aged people free of food in the urban and rural areas and to make available free garments and help them in education and medicine.

Dowry, cleanliness, drinking, dowry practice, illiteracy, child marriage, crippled wages, social evils and social evils.

To get rid of wages of child laborers and to make them self-employed, make efforts to create a prosperous society by arranging education and creating awareness among the people against daughter's daughter's daughters and helping them in every possible way.

• Empowering the workers of the unorganized sector to achieve social security and respected livelihood and lead them. Promoting advocacy, education and public awareness programs for the rights of workers in the unorganized sector.

Creation of public awareness campaign and support centers for human rights and social justice.

Keeping people's problems in the state and central government and contributing to the solution and national interest.

Communicating and organizing filmmaking, accounting, dancing socially cultural, religious programs

Training, singing and training of singing, dance and acting for the development and upliftment of children / girls and organizing cultural programs.

Trying to make the public aware of the cottage industry.

To create awareness of cleanliness in urban and rural areas and to work under clean India campaign and to arrange pure drinking water.

To disseminate various schemes related to divorced, elderly, widowed women, maintenance of child / girl child and arrangement of education, training and rehabilitation arrangements, excluded from various categories of society.

To promote the development of national development and social service programs such as Family Welfare, Women Education, Plantation, Literacy Disability Welfare, Polio Campaign, Family Planning, Population Control, Adult Education, Environment Protection and Pollution Control Program.

To assist in implementing the scheme being implemented by the United Nations Development Plan, Center and State Skill Development Training, World Health Organization, Digital India, UNICEF and supporting Panchayat Raj Training programs.

Promotion of spreading diseases in the society such as cancer, AIDS, TB, Poles, malnutrition, malaria, cardiovascular and diabetes, tuberculosis, leprosy, hepatitis B and infectious diseases.

Promoting awareness of health, promotion of health education, family planning, and family welfare; establishment of training centers related to medical colleges, medical teaching-training related training centers, rehabilitation centers, primary health centers, drug de-addiction campaigns, eradication of obesity and eye care Organizing camps and operation camps and arranging ambulances.

Establishment and operation of Play Group, Nursery, LKK, UKKG, Primary, Junior High School, High School, Intermediate School and Bachelor-Post Graduate College, Law College, Sanskrit College for Hindi and English medium for educational development of children / girls.

Consolidating society in the community by considering environmental culture as ideal.

Creating awareness among people about environmental pollution and pollution control and promoting tree plantation programs.


  1. Wow Excellent Post!!!
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Donate Online | Donate to NGO | Donate Online for poor | Food for poor

Donate Online | Donate to NGO | Donate Online for poor | Food for poor | Ma annapurna samaj seva sansthan is a not-for-profit social organisation working to solve hunger, malnutrition and food wastage in the country. We channelize extra food from individuals, weddings, restaurants, corporate offices to the people who really need it and have no means or access to food. We also serve freshly cooked food or raw grains to our partnered shelter homes and beneficiaries.